Business Finance...
Below are our articles on the subject of Business Finance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
A Guide to Business Insurance
It is compulsory for entrepreneurs to take out certain types of business insurance. Other insurance is not mandatory; but it helps offset any liability that may arise....
A Guide to Late Payment Regulations
The late payment regulations can help entrepreneurs recover commercial debts. The regulations allow entrepreneurs to add interest and compensation to such debts....
An Introduction to Angel Investors
Angel investors can provide much needed financing for a business. Entrepreneurs must first understand, however, the approach this type of investor takes....
Can European Banking Services Help UK Businesses?
Selling in Europe, and setting up business there, needn't be daunting. European banks can help. But entrepreneurs need to check fees and the rules on issues such as…...
Claim Your Business Tax Credits
An entrepreneur who conducts research and development may be able to claim tax allowances or tax reliefs in the form of business tax credits....
Cut Your Business Costs
It's important to reduce business costs. Entrepreneurs know that attracting finance to a business often relies on cost management and money handling skills....
Do You Want to Get Friends and Family Involved?
Friends and family may be more than willing to become involved with a business. But entrepreneurs need to consider the implications of such help....
Do's and Don'ts of Using Your Own Money
When it comes to raising the money for starting a business, entrepreneurs must be prepared to use some of their own finances....
How to Borrow Money That's Tax Efficient
Borrowing money should be as tax efficient as possible. An entrepreneur should ensure that a business benefits from finance that is a tax efficient investment....
How to Choose a Commercial Insurer
Entrepreneurs need commercial insurance. To obtain policies that suit the needs of a business, however, they first need to understand what insurance is available....
How to Choose the Bank That's Right for You
Opening a business bank account is straightforward, but over time the cost of banking can be significant. From the outset, an entrepreneur should try to keep business…...
Prove Your Reliability and Commitment to the Business
To obtain finance, entrepreneurs must demonstrate their commitment to a business and their reliability. They must also prove their understanding of customer service....
Tips on Making a Pitch for Finance
Making a pitch for business finance is daunting but necessary. With the right amount of preparation, however, an entrepreneur can make a pitch compelling and successful....
What Are Venture Capital Trusts?
Venture capital trusts can be ideal for entrepreneurs of growing businesses that need funding from investors who can give advice as well as money...
What Government Grants Can You Get?
Government grants provide useful finance, particularly for a small business. Entrepreneurs welcome such help but don't always know what's available....
Who are Venture Capitalists?
Venture capitalists have large amounts of money available to finance a business. They may want a lot in return, so entrepreneurs should ensure they know what to expect....
Why You Should Consider Leasing
Entrepreneurs should conduct market research to establish if leasing rather than buying assets is a better option for a business....