Building a Business...
Below are our articles on the subject of Building a Business. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Entrepreneurs Really Suited to Running a Business?
Running a business is not the main function of entrepreneurs. There are other factors that come into play such as leadership and management....

Balance Your Work and Lifestyle
Entrepreneurs must ensure they maintain a work-life balance. The right attitude to work and lifestyle benefits business, entrepreneurs, and employees alike....

Business Mistakes to Avoid
All entrepreneurs make business mistakes at one time or another. These may relate to your customers, your expenses or the process of making money....

Common Hazards That Can Ruin a Business
There are a number of hazards that can unexpectedly damage or ruin a business. Among them are natural disasters, product recalls, fire and even IT....

Decide Whether You Need Staff or Contractors
An entrepreneur may need staff, contractors, or both for a business. Deciding who to recruit and why requires an understanding of the employment market....

Develop an Action Plan for Growth
If a business is to go from strength to strength, an entrepreneur must have an action plan for business growth....

Develop Green Policies
An entrepreneur must take the environment seriously, and have a sustainable development strategy. The future of business, and the world at large, depends on it....

How Diversification Can Save a Business
Entrepreneurs should consider diversification. No matter how successful an enterprise is now, diversification can help preserve and build an entrepreneur's wealth long…...

How to Improve Repeat Business
Repeat business can help secure the long-term future of a company. Businesses that treat customers with respect and offer a high quality service gain loyalty in return....

How to Negotiate Successfully
Preparation, confidence and the art of persuasion are vital tools for an entrepreneur to use when taking part in business negotiation....

How Webmail Can Help Your Business
Webmail can help the communication strategy of a business by providing a secure, flexible and easy to use alternative to email....

Keep the Ideas Coming
Entrepreneurs who keep the business ideas flowing and maintain a high level of creativity can help ensure a business' success....

Knowing When to Delegate
Delegation doesn't always sit well with entrepreneurs but they need to learn this important aspect of management. Delegation skills training can help them - and…...

Look After Your Staff
A successful business is often linked to staff motivation. An entrepreneur who looks after employees achieves loyalty, effective teamwork, and an efficient working…...

Make Technology Work for You
There's plenty of technology available for entrepreneurs, including the Internet and websites. The trick is to make it work for a business to increase efficiency and…...

Set High Standards
An entrepreneur who sets high standards for a business helps to maintain business growth and meet investor and customer expectations....

Stay Aware of Regulations
Entrepreneurs have to deal with a lot of regulations in business. The rules cover a vast range of topics that include data protection, insurance, and tax....

Submitting Tenders for Work
Making a bid for work by submitting a tender document is hard work. But the effort can pay off with the award of a long-term, secure contract....

The Basics of Business Law
Every entrepreneur must know the basics of business law. This applies whether an entrepreneur runs a small business or a major company....

The Business Benefits of Social Media
Social media websites are a low-cost way of helping a business boost the promotion of its website, products and brand....

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing
Outsourcing can save you money, give your enterprise flexibility, and allow you to focus on what you're best at. But outsourcing is a business decision you need to…...

Tips on Dealing with Recession
In a recession, an entrepreneur must try to ensure income protection for all of those involved in a business venture....

Using Foreign Manufacturers
Entrepreneurs can cut their costs by using foreign manufacturers to produce goods. Issues to look out for include quality and transport....

What Role Do Ethics Play in Business?
A company with an ethical code can benefit from higher sales, loyal customers, better staff retention and few if any issues with the law. Ethics can therefore mean…...

Why UK Entrepreneurs Increasingly Sell to Foreign Markets
Foreign markets offer significant trade opportunities for UK entrepreneurs. Forecasters such as ITEM predict an annual rise in exports of 8.5%....